Tag Archives: Vegas Best Strip Clubs

Vegas Strip Club Specials For Global Food And Beverage Expo

Since we can’t find any Vegas Strip Clubs offering special deals or feature dancers for this week’s Global Food And Beverage Expo, we decided we’d come up with a special deal for you.  So if you are in Vegas this week for GFBE, or you are in town for whatever reason take advantage of this

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Do People Have Sex With Strippers in Vegas Strip Clubs

I’m often asked, “Do people have sex with strippers in Vegas Strip Clubs?” or some similar question.  My answer is always, “It’s against the law…but it happens every day.”  At this point, people usually ask me what are their chances and how to make it happen.  Here is my best answer. But first, let me

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The Asshole Tax In Vegas Strip Clubs

Yes there is an asshole tax in Vegas strip clubs.  And it has nothing to do with a stripper’s taint…although you’ll probably end up paying the asshole tax if you ask to see her balloon knot. If you’re an asshole you’ll pay more and get less.  That simple. They are called gentlemen’s clubs and being

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Why Vegas Strip Club Drinks Cost So Much

I’m often asked why Vegas Strip Club drinks cost so much.  The average price of a beer is $16 and cocktails go from $17.50 to $18 for the well liquor and more than that for the good stuff.  So yes after taxes and a tip drinks in a Vegas strip club cost anywhere from $20-$22.

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Honest Vegas Street Promoters

IF YOU ARE TALKING TO ONE OF THE PEOPLE LISTED BELOW, GO WITH THEM.  OTHER WISE, CALL DOCTOR STRIP CLUB There are a few, read very very few Honest Vegas Street Promoters out on Las Vegas Boulevard trying to get you to go to the strip club.  The Doctor Strip Club team spent over 60

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Don’t Walk Or Drive To The Strip Club

Many tourists to Vegas often ask about walking to the Strip Clubs or driving themselves.  My advice is always, don’t walk or drive to the strip club in Las Vegas unless you live here.  Maybe you think it is safer…it isn’t.  Maybe you think you’ll save money…you won’t.  Here’s a simple list of reasons why

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