A Woody…How Appropriate!
The Vegas girls to your room offers and businesses on the strip are in fact, 100% legal. But at the same time, they are a scam and often illegal.
Part of the reason there are so many card snappers on the strip is there are several different companies in this business. While they are friendly with each other, they are competitors. The various card snappers wear the “uniform” or T-shirt of their particular company. They are 100% legal and legitimate because the company advertises girls to your room. When you call the number an operator answers and makes arrangements for a girl to come to your hotel room. They will charge your credit card the amount agreed upon to get the girl to your room. (I’m told the charges appear discreetly.) VEGAS PRIVATE STRIPPERS DOES NOT CHARGE YOUR CREDIT CARD IN ADVANCE. The operator will ask for your room number and the actual name in which the room is registered. They will then call the hotel front desk and be transferred to your room. The hotel will not transfer the call without your actual name. This is for the safety of both you and the girl. 20-45 minutes later, a girl will appear at your door. SHE WILL NOT BE THE GIRL PICTURED ON THE CARD. She may strip or do a brief dance for you. Then the negotiations start. The card snappers on the strip usually speak little to no English and the ones who do, say very little. They are instructed not to talk much with people and simply pass out the cards. Their company makes money by charging your credit card. The girls do not work for them–they just do marketing. This is dangerous for you because any girl can sign up and be sent to your room. BETTER TO CALL A LEGITIMATE AGENCY LIKE VEGAS PRIVATE STRIPPERS INSTEAD.

So, the girl shows up at your door. Your credit card has been charged an amount to get her there. All of that goes to the business that legally and legitimately promised to get a girl to your room for a set fee. But, the girl does not work for the company. She works for herself, or her pimp. To make any money, she has to persuade you to pay her for her services. IF YOU DON’T LIKE HER LOOKS OR SHE ISN’T THE GIRL IN THE PICTURE–TOO BAD, YOUR CREDIT CARD HAS ALREADY BEEN CHARGED!!!
And you are probably expecting sexual activity with her, so the negotiations begin. She will explain that the money you paid for girls to your room was for the company to send her there and that she works for herself. She may ask you to “tip her” to stay longer. She will quote you a price for a half-hour or an hour. She will probably ask what you want to do. Because prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas, the girl will try to be certain you aren’t a police officer. She may ask you to take off your clothes or touch her breasts to confirm you aren’t a police officer before she actually discusses any dollar amounts for sexual activity. I’m told that the average cost is $500 for a combination of oral and intercourse. Remember this is not legal. Some would argue, that you are paying for her time and that whatever happens between consenting adults is perfectly legal. My research of court records reveals this argument will not fly.
I call this a scam for several reasons. First, the girls to your room cards contain a picture and an actual girls name. This implies that the girl pictured on the card will actually come to your room. The girl pictured on the card will not come to your room; she is a model. If you ask for her by name, the operator will tell you she is unavailable and offer to send a girl who looks just like her. Second, the card and advertising are carefully worded to make a legal offer while implying the girl will have sex with you. This combined with the fact most tourists think prostitution is legal in Las Vegas. And if it does occur you pay much more than the card suggested. Additionally, I’ve heard many times from men who called these girls to your room that the girl shows up and then extract huge sums of money for nothing. She gets you to agree to $100 for 15 minutes. Oh you want to touch her during that time? That costs extra. You want her to touch you? That costs extra. And on and on it goes. The tourist is aroused and not thinking well because of the blood flowing somewhere besides his brain and pretty soon he’s dropped $350 to talk to a girl in his hotel room for 15 minutes and maybe see her naked for 2 of those 15 minutes. And again, these activities usually start legal and turn illegal quickly. This runs the risk of you spending time in jail and having to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life all for something you didn’t realize was illegal. Now you know.
If you don’t care about the legality and the risks, there are other options. There are prostitutes walking the street every night. Or you can go sit in a Casino bar any night after about 11 PM and you will be approached and solicited. These girls often work for pimps and some are even human slaves. They aren’t legal, haven’t been tested for STDs and it is not uncommon for them to drop a drug in your drink to incapacitate you so they or their girlfriend or pimp can help themselves to your money and possessions.
The girls to your room options offered by nightclub hosts and strip club promoters aren’t much better. Expect to drop $1,500-$2,000 or more for a slightly above average looking girl.
Call Vegas Private Strippers.
They will send a beautiful lady to your door without any upfront charges. Once she is naked in your room–you can also be naked if you choose, you pay her the agreed fee. Yes she will request tips based on what type of entertainment you want her to perform. But, she works for a legally licensed agency and not a pimp. Her entertainment is perfectly legal. You are safe. If you don’t like the girl they send, they will gladly send another one at no charge.
There are also legal brothels, less than an hour outside Las Vegas. Any Limo Driver or Cabby will take you there…some even for free because the brothels pay cabbie and limo drivers about $1,000 per delivery (This means you are going to spend at least twice that much). I haven’t visited them, so I don’t have any recommendations. But at least they are safe and legal. Nevada law requires STD testing for brothel workers and there has never been one instance of a brothel working testing positive. They are in no particular order: The Chicken Ranch, Sherri’s Ranch, Love Ranch, & Alien Cathouse. There are probably more, but again, not my thing. Love Ranch has been featured on a television reality show. It and Alien Cathouse are owned by the heirs of the late Dennis Hof from that show.
Obviously, I think your best and least expensive option is to visit one of Vegas Best Strip clubs and get a few lap dances or some VIP time then go out and chat up one of the millions of female tourists who come to Vegas to have fun. Then you and her can do whatever adults do without the legal and financial risks. If you want to visit one of Vegas Best Strip Clubs or have a Legal Legitimate Private Stripper come to your room…click the pill below to call us. We have your prescription: