Author Archives: Doc

Idiots Of The Week April 24, 2017

Let’s just call Doctor Strip Club’s Idiots of the week April 24, 2017 “The Snake Men”.  Their behavior on Las Vegas Boulevard was not illegal.  It was, however, foolish.  And then they took it to idiot level.  Here’s the story along with a brief video clip.  Sorry the video doesn’t capture the whole incident.  By

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The $35 Strip Club Scam

My Staff recently discovered a number of promoters offering a $35 deal for Vegas Strip Clubs.  This is a lie and a scam as I’ll explain the $35 Strip Club Scam below.  Here’s your prescription for an honest deal at Vegas’ best Strip Clubs. THE $35 STRIP CLUB SCAM The standard deal at most Vegas

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Introducing The Stethocam

I decided to create “The Stethocam” to answer questions people ask about Vegas, Las Vegas Boulevard and Vegas’ best strip clubs.  People love video and what better way to answer your questions than with video my staff and I record with tiny cameras hidden inside a stethoscope.  We will use the stethocam to bring you

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Idiots Of The Week April 17, 2017

So you want to bring your kids to Vegas.  Fine, that is your business. Take them to the M&M store; let them see the Fountains of Bellagio, stay at Circus Circus.  But get them off the strip before dark.  And if they are exposed to things you don’t like, then don’t complain–YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE!

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Strip Clubs Can Help Unhappy Marriages

There’s a misconception that strip clubs destroy marriages and relationships.  This is not true.  In fact, a 6 year study by an esteemed Anthropologist concludes that strip clubs actually improve marriages.  Anthropologist Katherine Frank worked undercover as a stripper for 6 years researching her book, G Strings & Sympathy: Strip Club Regulars and Male Desire.

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Idiots Of The Week April 10, 2017

And the winner of Doctor Strip Club’s Idiot of the week for April 10, 2017 is… THE CREEPY SWINGER COUPLE I’m a big fan of couple’s going to the strip club together.  It has been proven to strengthen marriages and relationships.  It gives them a chance to have fun and explore sensuality and eroticism together.

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How Old Are Vegas Strippers

Lately there is a fascination with strippers.  Every one wants statistics on strippers: How old are Vegas Strippers? How much do they make? Why do they get into stripping?  What do they do after they stop stripping?  I’ll cover all these topics in future posts, but today let’s answer the question about Vegas strippers and

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Stripper Chic

Stripper Chic:  It really is a growing trend in our society.  Everyone from Pop Stars, to mid-western tourists is adopting fashion trends that originated in strip clubs.  Doctor Strip Club isn’t complaining or passing any judgment.  This post is simply an observation that strip club style and fashion is becoming in our society.  In other

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Idiots Of The Week April 2, 2017

Its Vegas…there’s booze, drugs, sex, gambling and bright shiny lights and things.  Some people lose control; others are simply idiots.  Our society is so committed to keeping people safe from their own stupidity that we often thwart the laws of natural selection.  Thus, there is an ongoing continuous supply of idiots.  Consider this week’s winners…err

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